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Wave Dragon

Wave Dragon

About Wave Dragon

Wave Dragon is a multi-MW offshore combined wave-wind device


Founded: 2001

Employees: 0-10

HQ: Copenhagen Denmark

Organisation type: Company


Coastal protection

Energy storage

Green hydrogen

Offshore wind

Water supply

Wave Dragon is a large offshore wave energy converter of the over-topping type; a floating hydro-electric dam and represents state of the art technology within the field of wave energy converters. The heart of the unit is a large floating reservoir. Two reflector wings concentrate the power of oncoming waves, which pass up a curved ramp and into the reservoir. The water returns back to sea through a battery of low-head turbines.

A large scale prototype launched in 2003 was the world’s first offshore grid-connected wave energy device. This test unit has supplied electricity to the grid in more than 20,000 hours – a world record. A 7 MW demonstration project is currently being applied for in Wales, and preparations are underway for a 50 MW array in Portugal.

The key to Wave Dragon’s success is its high power production combined with a long lifetime of low operation and maintenance costs. Wave Dragon has from 1.5 to 38 MW capacity, depending on the local wave climate. A Wave Dragon power station is an array of individual units connected to shore by undersea transmission cables like offshore wind farms. Deployment sites will typically be 5 – 25 km offshore at more than 20 meters depth, to exploit high power wave resources. Wave Dragon has very little environmental impact. The platform height being less than 7m makes it in many cases invinsible from shore.

Wave Dragon is normally equipped with wind turbines, which at most deployment sites more than doubles the yearly power production


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