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Solution Provider

Public Sector

Nordic Sustainable Construction

Nordic Sustainable Construction

About Nordic Sustainable Construction

The programme Nordic Sustainable Construction is part of Nordic Vision 2030 initiated by the Nordic Ministers for Construction and Housing and works to support the Nordic countries in establishing the Nordics as a leading region in sustainable and competitive construction with minimised environmental and climate impact.


Founded: 2021

Employees: 11-50

HQ: København

Organisation type: Public Sector


Bio-based circular solutions

Building design

Building materials


Carbon capture, storage and utilisation


Nordic Sustainable Construction

We believe in finding new and innovative Nordic solutions through generating and sharing knowledge across the Nordic borders and beyond. On our way towards an aligned Nordic path for sustainable transition in construction, Nordic Sustainable Construction will engage Nordic lawmakers, as well as, public and private actors along the whole value chain of construction in Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden and Åland.

Through the work in five work packages, Nordic Sustainable Construction will work toward regulatory harmonisation, creating best practice guidelines for the industry, mapping industry structures and practices to find improved solutions.

Focus areas

Within the five work packages located in five Nordic countries, the programme focuses on life cycle assessment and data, circular business models and procurement, sustainable construction materials and architecture, emission-free construction sites and capacity building activities within reuse of construction materials.

Dialogue and co-creation are key words in Nordic Sustainable Construction and the goal is to create a green transition with green growth in the Nordic societies by working toward carbon neutrality and a sustainable circular and bio-based economy based on knowledge, innovation, mobility and digital integration.

Want to know more?

If you are interested in knowing more about our work in Nordic Sustainable Construction, do not hesitate to contact us by mail or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and our website where we regularly update with info on upcoming events, news within the field and more.

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