Want to visit City of Albertslund?
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Solution Provider
Public Sector
Organisation type: Public Sector
Climate change adaptation
District energy
District heating
Energy efficiency in buildings
In 2008, Albertslund became the first 100 per cent environmentally certified municipality in Denmark.
The Albertslund Concept, for which the Municipality of Albertslund was appointed Nordic Energy Municipality in 2011, is based on building renovation that combines the latest energy technology, improved indoor air quality, and rational construction methods at affordable prices.
The city of Albertslund serves as a living climate laboratory where new green technologies and solutions are invented in close relation to the city's development and people's lives. To meet the challenge of dwellings in need of modernization, the municipality initiated a PPP that led to The Albertslund Concept. The concept is suitable for many cities and implemented in big scale in Albertslund. This is why many visitors come to experience the renovated residential area.
Visit Albertslund South is an area where 1/3 of the 2,200 homes are already renovated. It is possible to experience the area on electric bicycles, by foot or by bus. The pedestrian paths in Albertslund are completely seperated from the carriageways for cars and we recommend this kind of natural transport for your visit. Pedestrian transport from the town hall to the exhibition site and refurbished dwellings is about 10 minutes only.
The first experiences with low temperature-district heating have been made and the refurbished dwellings are heated by water temperatures up to 55 degrees celcius. Before, the dwellings used to require up to 90 degrees celcius in the original shape. Hereby a lot of energy is being saved in the pipes. For the future, Albertslund prepares for low temperature district heating from sources like solar energy, large heatpumps or geothermic heat.
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