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Circular business models

Smart energy systems


25. July 2018

From a linear to a circular economy

Experiences from Denmark and New York on closing the loop through partnerships and circular business models
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This publication is the outcome of a yearlong exchange of knowledge and experience between Denmark and New York, initiated by State of Green and implemented in collaboration with Danish Cleantech Hub in New York. The core of the project was a week-long circular site visit tour to Denmark for a group of selected New Yorkers representing both the public sector, the research community, impact investors, and international organizations. This group of New Yorkers, in close collaboration with their Danish counterparts, have been instrumental in facilitating and continuously expanding solution sharing between Denmark and New York, through seminars and co-creation workshops, proving an effective vehicle for transatlantic dialogue. This publication's purpose is to contribute to this exchange of ideas on circular economy and, through practical examples, illustrate how Danish and New York stakeholders are providing solutions that help progress the transition towards a circular economy.

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