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Top 10 events at Circular City Week

Get ready for the biggest circular economy festival in the US.

Circular City Week is an open collaborative festival for circular economy related events. For the fourth time, Circular City Week will take place in New York from 2-8 May 2022. Activities during the festival emphasise how circular practices such as reuse, recycling, and upcycling are transforming urban industries and the city as a whole. Here are the top 10 events you can join in person or from distance.

1) Circular City Week Opening Ceremony

The centrepiece is about circular initiatives and the impact they have on a circular future. Explore tangible solutions across industries and sectors while interacting with circular economy thought leaders. Sign up here.

2) A Circular Innovation City Challenge

Learn how to succeed with public-private innovations when driving innovate circular solutions in cities. The event is hosted by State of Green. Secure your seat here.

3) The Next Frontier: Circularity in Design

Tune in to a riveting conversation about growth and progress within circular design. The event is hosted by laurence Carr Inc. in partnership with the Sustainable Furnishings Council AND Earthx. Register here.

4) Virtual Sims Municipal Recycling Tour

Join a tour of the largest sorting system of its kind in the US and discover the expansive system of equipment that sorts hundreds of tons of metal, glass, and plastic recycling each day. Sign up here.

5) Public Policy & ‘Circularity’: Business Can Move the Needle

Learn about the role of the home-products industry in supporting public policy that ushers in a circular economy framework. Hosted by Mebl | Transforming FurnitureSustainable Furnishings CouncilAmerican Sustainable Business Network. Sign up here.

6) Doing the SWMP: Planning for Zero Waste in Major Cities

Learn from the biggest cities in North America how to create more circular solid waste management plans. Hosted by Center For Sustainable Business @ Nyu Stern School Of Business. Register now.

 7) Let’s Talk! Creating Resilient Agri-Food Systems with Circularity in Mind

The agri-food production and supply chains are under growing pressure from short- and long-term shocks such as droughts, floods and food price hikes as well as the climate crisis and environmental degradation. Hear about how agri-food systems can be transformed with circularity in mind to respond to a changing climate. Sign up here for the event hosted by Food Nation.

8) U.S. Circular City Snapshots: First hand Accounts of the Circular City Transition

Dive into a session on urban perspectives on opportunities and barriers with real-time examples from U.S. cities and their journey towards a circular economy. Hosted by Pyxera Global. Sign up here.

9) Circularity and the Green Mobility in the City of Brussels

Learn about common and successful models in green mobility in Brussels and how the city and its citizens already benefit from those examples. Hosted By Hub.Brussels. Secure your seat here.

10) Circular Accra: Incubating Circularity at the Intersection of Informal Waste Collectors & Material Reverse Logistics Hub

Ghana is a leading circular country in Africa taking a holistic approach to tackle massive issues, such as waste, and human rights. Local leaders from the forefront of circularity are engaging in this impactful session. Hosted By Pyxera Global. Register here.

Brought to you by

Circular City Week is brought to you by Danish Cleantech Hub, The Confederation of Danish Industry and State of Green.

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