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Energy efficiency in buildings

Resource efficient production


Grundfos helps Arla reduce its energy consumption and carbon emissions across its global production facilities

Grundfos is supporting Arla Foods in its important mission to reduce carbon emissions in its operations by 63 percent by 2030. To achieve this target, Arla - the global dairy company is liaising with Grundfos and other key partners across its value chain to optimise its operations and identify levers to advance them towards their climate friendly aspiration.
25 July 2023

Improving energy efficiency to reduce carbon footprint
For Arla Foods, their global network of dairies provides an opportunity to significantly reduce their energy consumption and thereby improve efficiency, and here they have joined a partnership with Grundfos to provide insights and services to realise this.

The greenest energy is the one we do not consume and to achieve this, Grundfos has been appointed to identify, report and achieve energy reductions across Arla Foods’ 60 global dairy sites, helping to enhance core systems by replacing pumping systems with high efficiency systems with state-of-the-art motors, pumps and controls.

“As a valued partner, we are very pleased to help Arla Foods in their energy optimization efforts and to support them globally across their 60 dairy sites, thanks to our expertise, innovative products and solutions. In Grundfos Industry Division, we are working to help our customers and end-users reduce energy consumption and reach their Co2 emissions targets,” says Stéphane Simonetta, Group Executive Vice President & CEO – Industry, Grundfos.

At present, Grundfos has assessed two thirds of Arla Foods’ sites and have identified annual savings of seven gigawatt-hours, with total expected savings around ten gigawatt-hours (10,000,000 kilowatts). This corresponds to reducing Arla’s total electricity consumption in the operations by 1.2%, which is equivalent to driving an average electric vehicle around the world 1250 times (50 million kilometers).

Adding value
“In Arla Foods, we are committed to create a more sustainable dairy production and to grow our business responsibly. The demand for dairy products is growing globally, and we, as well as consumers, are very focused on bringing healthy, nutritious & sustainable food to the world,” says David Boulanger, Chief Supply Chain Officer at Arla Foods.

“We see a large potential in optimising our operations, and our connected systems, and to do this, we are counting on valued suppliers and partners, who can bring in their expertise to improve our setup. One of our valued partners for this is Grundfos, whose vast knowledge of pumping systems and solutions and energy optimisation is crucial for us to achieve our ambition,” adds David Boulanger.

As part of this initiative, Grundfos recently supplied and installed new intelligent pumps at the Arla Westbury dairy in the United Kingdom. Based on proven and validated energy measurements, Grundfos helped the site achieve savings per year of 481,800 kWh energy and 194 tons CO2 for their ice and chilled water systems, with a return on investment (ROI) of less than two years. You can find the complete case study on Grundfos’ website here.

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