Denmark accelerates climate plans with new 2025 deadline

Two years after the Danish Climate Act's target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 70 per cent by 2030, political decisions will bring Denmark about halfway.
Now, the Danish government has analysed key climate technologies and pathways. Based on the analysis, the government announces that all political decisions must be made by 2025 to reach the target in 2030. The path consists of a roadmap of 24 initiatives that will accelerate the climate efforts.
"The climate crisis is the biggest challenge of our time. This summer's fires and floods around the world as well as the IPCC report underline this alarming fact. In Denmark, we take this challenge very serious. We have come halfway towards achieving our 70 percent reductions target in 2030. However, we are in a hurry, and we have to speed up our effort. Therefore, this government now sets an urgent deadline in 2025 to take all major political decisions to reach this goal. Hopefully this effort will inspire other countries to follow a similar path", says Denmark’s Minister for Climate Dan Jørgensen.
Related news: During COP25, Denmark passes Climate Act with a 70 per cent reduction target
A roadmap of 24 green initiatives
In the coming years, the Danish government will present 24 priorities to ensure that the necessary decisions will be taken in order to meet the 70 per cent target in 2030.
This year, the government presents a strategy on converting renewable electricity to green fuels as for example hydrogen. In addition, the government will negotiate a new plan for CO2-capture. In 2022, the government will present new proposals in the field of industry and energy, whilst political decisions within air transportation, road transportation and climate-friendly choices will also be addressed next year.
“We have coped with the corona crisis with an extraordinary unity and a dedicated effort. Now we have left the worst part behind us, and we are able to intensify the fight against the climate crisis. We need to stand together and make bold decisions if we are to stop the catastrophic consequences of the climate changes”, says Denmark Minister for Climate Dan Jørgensen.
The Danish government's analysis shows that the 2030-goal of 70 per cent reductions can be realized in several different ways if only different instruments and technologies interact with each other across sectors. Therefore, the overall roadmap contains a plan for each sector until 2025.
Download the roadmap here (in Danish).
The roadmap is a part of the Danish government’s climate programme. The climate programme also contains an annual global strategy for the coming year, which implements the government’s long-term climate strategy, set in 2020. This year’s strategy has a particular focus on COP26, the phase out of fossil fuels, green development assistance, environment and biodiversity, and green recovery and technology.
Related news: A green and sustainable world – new Danish strategy for global climate action
- Denmark will reduce emissions by 70 per cent by 2030, compared to 1990. In comparison, the EU has a reduction target of 55 percent. The climate targets are legally binding.
- The new roadmap is part of the Danish government's annual climate programme, which is a status report on fulfilment of the national climate targets.
- During the last two years, decisions have been made and policies have been presented to ensure reductions corresponding to half of the needed in order to meet the 70 per cent target in 2030. This leaves a reduction need of approx. 10 mio. tonnes of CO₂e in 2030
- Denmark has introduced a cut-off date of 2050 for oil and gas extraction in the North Sea and decided to cancel all future licensing rounds.
- Denmark has presented a plan to build energy islands for gigantic offshore wind farms. The two islands have the potential to host a total minimum capacity of 12 GW.
- The analysis in the Climate Programme 2021 shows that there is a technical reduction potential of approx. 24-32 million tonnes of CO₂e in 2030.
- The analysis also shows that the reduction potential decreases over time, and that there is a need for rapid action and significant decisions towards 2025.
- The climate programme also includes an estimate of the costs of the 2030-target, which is estimated to be between 10 and 15 billion DKK annually in 2030.
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