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Green hydrogen

Hydrogen infrastructure



HySynergy: Decarbonising the transport sector and industry with Power-to-X

29. April 2024

Solution provider


Ramboll is a leading international architecture, engineering, and consultancy company, owned by the Ramboll Foundation.

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The ongoing growth and integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, is essential in society’s transition to net zero. However, these energy sources are intermittent, generating only when the sun shines or the wind blows.  

The HySynergy Power-to-X plant will demonstrate how fluctuating renewable energy sources can be converted and stored effectively to decouple energy production from consumption and contribute to grid balancing. 


The plant is one of Europe’s largest Power-to-X plants with an initial electrolyser capacity of 20 MW and expected expansions to 300 MW and 1 GW.   


  • Phase I is under construction and will be 20 MW in operation in 2023. 
  • Phase II will consist of three subphases of 100 MW, which equals 300 MW, in operation in 2025. 
  • Phase III is planned to 1 GW in 2030. 

The HySynergy project will convert renewable electric energy to hydrogen for the neighbouring Crossbridge Energy refinery, as well as supplying surplus heat to the local district heating system.  

On the HySynergy project, Ramboll developed and matured the concept, FEED and detailed design of the hydrogen interface piping, as well as for the Emergency Shut Down (ESD) and relief system. Ramboll also performed a series of risk studies to ensure an acceptable risk level at the plant and its surroundings. Ramboll also provided support and advice in obtaining the required safety and construction permits. 


The Power-to-X plant will significantly support the reduction of the carbon footprint within Crossbridge Energy’s refinery next to HySynergy and contribute to the Danish climate target of 70% CO2 reduction. The Power-to-X facility will further offer a competitive supply of green hydrogen as zero-emission fuel for mobility and industrial partners. 

The initial CO2 emission reduction potential is 214,000 tonnes/year of CO2. 




Local partners: 

Everfuel as operator
Crossbridge Energy as off-taker of parts of the green hydrogen
Aktive Energi Anlæg (AEA) as EPC partner for the construction
Trefor Elnet as the power DSO
Energinet as the power TSO
TVIS for incorporating surplus heat the district heating system
EWII as power grid analyst