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Green hydrogen




Green hydrogen production contributing to decarbonization of local public transport and industry

29. April 2024

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Ramboll is a leading international architecture, engineering, and consultancy company, owned by the Ramboll Foundation.

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Hydrogen is supposed to become a key element in the decarbonisation of the German industry. But there are still challenges to face in terms of the right use-cases, financing, transport, and scaling. Not only the industry, also the transport sector is claiming green hydrogen as an alternative and climate-friendly energy source.

The German Government is setting ambitious goals in its National Hydrogen Strategy and aims to provide 10 GW green hydrogen power for the energy transition. Hamm in the German Federal state of North-Rhine-Westphalia is now set to become one of the first hydrogen clusters. The economic viability of this project has already been analysed in a feasibility study and the location on the site of a former gas-fired power station has been identified as the ideal location for the endeavour


For the realisation of this important 20 MW hydrogen electrolysis plant, Ramboll has been commissioned with the basic evaluation, preliminary, design and approval planning. Next steps are implementation planning, support for the tendering and awarding of contracts through to the commissioning of the electrolyser. The project was commissioned by a consortium of the municipal utilities of Hamm, Bochum and Dortmund and the project developer Trianel. It is a pioneering project and will serve as a pilot for many others to come throughout the country. 


The plant will supply approximately 1,500 tonnes of green hydrogen per year at 4,000 full load hours. A large proportion of the hydrogen produced is intended for use as a climate-neutral energy source in public transport operated by Stadtwerke Hamm, Stadtwerke Bochum and Dortmunder Stadtwerke as well as in local industry applications. To this end, Stadtwerke Hamm is already looking into the construction of green hydrogen refueling stations for its buses and waste collecting vehicles.