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Air pollution

Land transport

Public transportation


The zero emission public transport of the future

10. August 2023
electric bus copenhagen

Solution provider

City of Copenhagen

The City of Copenhagen is a world leader in green growth and well on its way to become carbon neutral by 2025.

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The City of Copenhagen has an ambitious goal to become the world’s first carbon-neutral capital by 2025. Efficient and green public transport plays an essential role in achieving this goal.

Road traffic is responsible for the vast majority of carbon emissions from the public transport sector in the City of Copenhagen. The high emissions from road traffic increase the amount of air pollution, which in turn can have severe health-related negative impacts on the citizens of Copenhagen. Road traffic also creates a lot of noise pollution. 

In light of this, one of the larger challenges the City of Copenhagen is currently facing is to ensure CO2 reduction from road traffic and reduce air and noise pollution, in order to increase the quality of Copenhagen’s air, as clean air brings health and environmental benefits with it.  


In order to eliminate the emission of CO2 and other harmful substances, the City Council of Copenhagen has decided that by 2025, all bus lines should be converted to zero-emission buses. This goal will be reached in collaboration with neighbouring municipalities and Movia, Denmark’s largest public transit agency. Through collaboration, the City of Copenhagen and Movia have created new solutions within the transportation services, which are efficient, green and zero-emission all at once.  



In 2022, 43% of bus operations ran on electricity and the number is expected to rise to 57% by 2023. In 2025, when all buses in the City of Copenhagen are converted from diesel to zero emission, bus travel in the City of Copenhagen alone will save the climate a total of approximately 17,000 tons of CO2 per year all while ensuring cleaner air for the citizens of Copenhagen. Through the implementation of zero emission buses, the City of Copenhagen has taken an important step towards a healthier, greener and carbon-neutral Copenhagen.

White paper: Urban green transition

This case is a part of the white paper “Urban green transition”:

A 40-page showcase of why holistic and strategic city planning and development within mobility and infrastructure, climate adaptation, as well as environmentally conscious architecture and construction, must take centre stage in the transformed cities of tomorrow.

Explore the white paper