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Logistics for 170,000 tons of straw a year
Qubiqa has provided fully automated warehouse and logistics for Vattenfall's new straw-fired cogeneration unit at Fyens Work, Unit 8 in Odense, Denmark. The plant meets strict requirements for automation, reliability and wastage rate.
Reduction of CO2 emissions
Fyens plant produces electricity for the Nordic market and district heating to more than 85,000 households in the Danish town Odense. The new Unit 8 at Fyens Work has the capacity to deliver more than 20 % of Odense's electricity and heating consumption. Straw will replace 100,000 tons of coal annually and as a result reduce CO2 emissions by around 245,000 tons annually.
Qubiqa's share of Unit 8 project
Qubiqa delivered straw reception and logistics for the transportation/distribution of straw for power plant boilers, fire-resistant doors to the straw barn (BS 60 certified) and cranes, control facilities and database to the barn. Customer demands for the system:
The automatic unloading is first of it's kind, equipped with a so-called vision system that detects straw. The lorry driver is in his cab and holds a "dead man's button" while the trucks are being unloaded.