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Public transportation

Urban infrastructure planning

Urban mobility

Mobilising an urban district with self-driving busses

3. October 2018
aalborg municipality

Solution provider

City of Aalborg

In Aalborg, a vibrant Danish city, we are proud of leading the way in sustainability and the green transition. If sustainability is to sustain, it needs to become a natural part of how we think and live our everyday lives. This we work for every day.

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The project is greatly supported both in the local community and in the business network, and has many stakeholders. The pilot project uses self-driving mini-electric buses and will be focusing on increasing mobility both internally and externally in the residential area over a period of 2 years. Aalborg East is one of the largest and most dynamic suburbs in Aalborg. The district is in a number of ways characterized by its planning in the 1960s according to functionalist principles that created a traffic efficient but also physically and socially sharply divided district where cars and soft road users are separated, and many residential areas appear as isolated enclaves, without strong interrelationships. The separated infrastructure and the distance between the different functions and activities in the district do not invite to multimodality, and cars are used for a large part of the trips.

By implementing self-driving busses, Aalborg municipality aims to help mobilise a number of citizens, as well as enhance both environmental and social sustainability. The project thus supports the ambition of creating a more cohesive Aalborg East, where increased mobility is counteracting segregation and strengthening social capital.

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