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R&d Project
District energy
District heating
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In order to use heat pumps as an asset in the future electric system, there is a current need to develop common international communication standards. This is to ensure that all heat pumps on the market ‘speaks the same language’, meaning that they can be connected and aggregated.
Data communication technology at focus
HPCOM turns the attention towards the development and implementation of the data communication technology in the heat pump area, which will help ensure that heat pumps can deliver flexibility outputs to the electric grid.
The HPCOM project focuses on making the technical communication work as well as on establishing a broad dialogue and involving stakeholders in the work with international standards for data communication in the heat pump area.
New standards
Through a collection of the existing knowledge about data communication standards, knowledge sharing and dialogue with a number of stakeholders, the project sets out to create a broad agreement about the development of ICT towards open communication standards in the heat pump area. The stakeholders include heat pump manufactures, ICT suppliers, electricity companies, manufacturers of aggregation services and existing R&D projects. The project also sets out to map those test environments that can approve Smart Grid ready heat pumps as well as examine the need for new test facilities. Based on the compiled knowledge about the standardisation work, test environments and existing R&D projects, an R&D strategy and a technological road map will be devised.
The goal is to strengthen industry collaboration
After the project completion, the HPCOM collaboration will continue under the auspices of the cooperative Intelligent Energistyring, which is an industry forum revolving around the development and running of a Smart Grid infrastructure. The HPCOM project is based on the work started by the members of Intelligent Energistyring, and the goal is to strengthen this industrial collaboration.
Facts about the project
The project period for HPCOM is 2014-2017, and the project is financed by ForskVE.
The consortium consists of Neogrid Technologies, Eurisco, the Danish Technological Institute, Intelligent Energistyring A.m.b.a and Insero.