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Green financing

Job creation and just transition

Wind energy


Financing offshore wind to power one million homes

9. February 2024

Solution provider

AIP Management

AIP Management is a Nordic based investment manager dedicated to investing in the energy transition across Europe and North America.

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In July 2022, the Federal Council in Germany voted to restart several of the country’s environmentally damaging coal power plants to meet the energy demand created by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. This created an urgent need to develop green alternatives to ensure energy for both German industry and consumers.


AIP Management established a consortium with two highly experienced partners, Allianz and Norges Bank, to finance a new offshore wind farm called He Dreiht, investing more than EUR 1 billion into the project. He Dreiht, which is co-owned with the German utility EnBw, is expected to start delivering green electricity in 2026. At that time, it will be the largest operational offshore wind farm in Germany and is anticipated to provide green electricity to more than one million German households.


The investment is a significant contribution to ensuring both future German energy supply security and the green transformation of Europe’s energy sources, while also generating a long-term and stable return for investors.