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Exploring new standards for smart terminal light solutions

20. August 2024

Solution provider

Brightr Group LED ApS

Smart and intelligent lighting solutions are our passion

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Copenhagen Malmø Port (CMP) faced a huge challenge, when they wanted to replace old, worn down street lighting equipment:

  • Excess energy consumption
  • Expensive and cumbersome maintenance
  • Deteriorating light quality challenging high risc working conditions

Here’s the good news – they found a solution together with Brightr Group LED – a state of the art lighting solutions provider.


CMP’s is venturing on an exciting collaboration with Brightr Group LED. The joint effort aims to replace streetlights at the busy roads of CMP’s liquid bulk terminals in Prøvestenen, Copenhagen. ⚓

Key Highlights:

💡 Efficient LED Lights: Twenty-five light fixtures have initially been replaced with new, efficient LED lights equipped with sensors and data connections. These lights are specially coated to withstand harsh salty and windy conditions at the port.

💡 Intelligent Control: The lights are equipped with intelligent sensory and remote control capabilities. They automatically dim when no traffic is present, while important traffic data is collected for lightning control and analysis.

💡 Energy Savings: The fully replaceable light sources are expected to save up to 80% energy compared to existing fixtures. Preliminary data already shows initial savings of over 60%.

💡 Collaboration: The project involves a partnership with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and the Municipality of Copenhagen. Data from road lighting fixtures will be used to explore AI applications for traffic patterns and road maintenance.

“We regard this project as important in its own right, not only improving conditions at one of our busiest terminal roads, but also as a key step into further optimising our lighting infrastructure for energy efficiency, quality and intelligent control and proactive use of data,” comments Anders Jönsson, CMP’s Infrastructure Manager.


AI enabled street lighting solution with a 85-95% energy consumtion saving!


💡 dramatically increased lighting quality

💡 advanced, automated and AI supported dimming

💡 dramatically lowered maintenance costs

💡 ligh pollution reduced to zero due to Dark Sky compliant tdhnology introduced

💡 possibility to ad hoc online adjustment of entire installed base


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Read more about the collaboration between Brigthr and Copenhagen Malmø Port

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