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Wastewater management

Non-revenue water

Wastewater treatment

Dynamic overview helps mitigate H2S challenges in sewer network

5. August 2024

Solution provider

SulfiLogger A/S

SulfiLogger provides innovative sensor solutions for continuous, liquid-phase H₂S monitoring that enable smart odor & corrosion control in wastewater applications.

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Danish water utility Aarhus Vand worried that high levels of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) in the wastewater collection system in the village of Solbjerg were causing its sewer network to deteriorate at a faster rate than expected. Without a clear overview, the utility was unable to uncover the cause, magnitude or development of the issue.


In a joint effort, the company SulfiLogger installed 15 liquid-phase SulfiLoggerTM H2S sensors measuring directly in the untreated sewage in strategic locations in manholes and discharge wells throughout the village. Connected to a cloud solution, all 15 sensors provided online H2S data in real time giving Aarhus Vand a reliable and dynamic overview of the situation in the entire village. Data showed that while the daily variations in H2S remained similar, the magnitude of the daily H2S peaks in a discharge well at the end of a force main from a nearby village varied significantly between 2 and 4 mg/L.



With solid data confirming Aarhus Vand’s own suspicions of high H2S levels being transported to the nearby village of Tranbjerg, the utility decided to install a newly-developed filter from Sulfinizer effectively eliminating the problem. The Sulfinizer filter system is a sustainable solution based on mussels’ shells which converts H2S into poorly soluble and unproblematic plaster.