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District energy

District heating

District heating transmission CTR in Copenhagen, consultancy services

7. December 2009

Solution provider


Ramboll is a leading international architecture, engineering, and consultancy company, owned by the Ramboll Foundation.

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CTR is jointly owned by the Municipalities of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Gentofte, Gladsaxe and Tårnby and is responsible for the optimal heat production and transmission of heat to the associated distribution networks in the 5 municipalities.

In association with VEKS, Copenhagen Energy and Vestforbrænding CTR operate the Heat Integrated Heat Transmission System in Greater Copenhagen. The 4 companies ensure that the total heat to the system is produced in an optimal way and with lowest CO2 emissions.

Technical data
In a normal year 5 million MWh is delivered from the 50 km long CTR transmission system through 29 heat substations to the distribution networks. The annual heat loss in the transmission system is 1%. The heat is produced in an optimal way by waste-to-energy CHP (27%), CHP based on gas, coal and biomass (70%), geothermal energy (2%) and oil boilers (1%). Therefore, by using renewable energy and reducing cooling losses from the power plants, the fossil fuel consumption for the heat is only 0.3 MWh fuel per MWh thermal energy. The CO2 emission is only 96 kg/MWh heat delivered to each distribution network and it is still being reduced by integrating more renewable energy in the production.

Moreover the shift from small local boilers to large CHP plants with efficient flue gas cleaning, incl. removal of SO2 has had a very positive impact on the air quality in the Greater Copenhagen area.

Ramboll has provided consultancy services to CTR since the company was established in 1984 including:

  • System design
  • Hydraulic analysis including pressure transient analysis
  • Design of the system
  • Procurement and implementation
  • Supervision
  • Ad hoc assistance with operation and maintenance