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Combined heat and power production

District energy

District heating


District Heating in Frederiksberg

19. August 2009

Solution provider


Ramboll is a leading international architecture, engineering, and consultancy company, owned by the Ramboll Foundation.

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Frederiksberg District Heating is owned by the Municipality of Frederiksberg with 93,000 inhabitants, in the centre of the Metropol of Copenhagen. It is operated by Frederiksberg Forsyning, which also operates water, gas and waste water.

Frederiksberg District Heating is the oldest district heating system in Denmark founded in 1903. It distributes heat to 97% of the heated space in the municipality and is supplied from the heat transmission company CTR, which is part of the integrated district heating system in the Copenhagen Region.

Technical Specifications
The first district heating was based on steam, but now the network is water based with preinsulated pipes. The temperature is below 100 dgr.C and the network loss is 7%.

The 723 GWh/a heat, which is delivered from the CTR system, is produced in an optimal way by waste-to-energy CHP (29%), CHP on gas, coal and biomass (68%), geothermal energy (2%) and oil boilers (1%). Therefore, using renewable energy and reducing cooling losses from the power plants, the fossil fuel consumption for heating buildings is only 0.3 MWh fuel per MWh thermal energy. The CO2 emission is 103 kg/MWh heat delivered to each building and it is still being reduced by integrating more renewable energy in the production.

The shift from small local boilers to large CHP plants with efficient flue gas cleaning has had a positive impact on the air quality.

Frederiksberg Forsyning offers the consumers support for reducing their heat consumption and return temperature in order to increase the overall efficiency and minimize the costs of heating per heated floor area. The network investment is paid back and the remaining 3% consumers are being connected.
Ramboll has provided consultancy services to the district heating since 1980:

  • heat supply planning
  • hydraulic analysis and on-line simulation combined with the scada system
  • design of the system
  • supervision
  • ad hoc assistance with O&M