Energy efficiency in buildings
Denmark’s first public energy efficient +25% building
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In terms of its energy efficiency, Skive Municipality’s new town hall is 15 years ahead of its time. Its construction reflects the municipal council's commitment to our 2029 and 2042 goals. Skive Municipality has one of the country's most ambitious environmental and energy consumption strategies. In Skive we have decided to lead the way by taking the necessary measures to realise our ambitious plans.
The blue diamond is Denmark’s first energy efficient +25 building, generating 25% more energy than it use. The building features a further 2.8 DKMM in green technology. It makes use of solar panels as an active element in the building’s construction – both visually and in terms of energy production. Other features are:
- 960m2 of solar panels
- A solar heating system that powers an ORC machine
- Mini power plans fuelled by biodiesel
- The exploitation of heat generated from the cooling of the outdoor skating rink
- InVENTer® ventilation
- LEDs save electricity