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Anti-Legionella treatment for cooling towers

15. April 2012

Solution provider

Adept Water Technologies A/S

Adept Water Technologies develops and markets the BacTerminator systems for inline disinfection and purification of water.

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LOGSTOR, one of the world leading manufactures of pipe systems for distrect heating, has chosen the BacTerminator solution for Legionella control in their cooling water system in Denmark and UAE.

Cooling towers can now be kept free of Legionella and other micro-organisms with the new BacTerminator® Water Disinfection System allowing safe operation that complies with legal requirements.

The new BacTerminator® system uses patented electrochemical technology:

  • The process runs on electricity and salts that occur naturally in the water. No additional chemicals or salts are needed
  • The primary, chlorine-based electrochemical disinfection is very effective because of pH variations created in the disinfection chamber. This significantly boosts the effect of the generated biocides
  • The composition of the water treated is not affected. The generation of a small amount of chlorine lies within typical limits for drinking water < 0.5mg/LpH and salt content is virtually unchanged
  • The low level of chlorine in the water virtually eliminates concerns about corrosion.

Easy to integrate – simple to operate

  • The BacTerminator® system is easy to fit - or retrofit - to cooling towers and circuits.
  • Installation is simple: connect the tubing and turn on the power!
  • The system contains no moving parts, apart from an optional pump, making it highly reliable with low maintenance.
  • The BacTerminator® system is self-monitoring and has an alarm, if operator intervention is needed.
  • A single system can disinfect several installations via an optional multi-plexer.