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Solution Provider
Organisation type: Company
Air pollution
Climate change adaptation
Energy efficiency in buildings
Indoor air quality
Krydsrum is an award-winning Danish architect firm that has specialized in architectural retrofittings and transformations of existing residential, public, and private sector buildings since 2007. Adapting and developing buildings to future work/living/cultural needs, energy savings, improvement of indoor environment, value optimization and accentuating cultural heritage qualities.
Our History and Method:
In 2007 the four present partners founded “Krydsrum” as a multidisciplinary office for innovation in the architectural industry. The name is a composition of two common Danish words: “kryds” which means “intersection” / “cross” and “rum”, which is the singular common word for “space”/ “room”.
We believe that a successful marriage between values of cultural heritage and modern urban live, work and recreational demands is not only an environmentally smart idea for sustainable urban development, but also contains strong business plans for the building owners of the future. We love existing buildings and communities! We love people, the environment and the underlining economy as drivers for change. Globalization, urbanization, 4th generation industrialization is happening all around us, and we are agents of the changes brought by these macro movements.
Krydsrum is creative space and a working method. We analyze and synthesize the specific aspects, needs and context of every project and see them as intersections of the most important angles in architecture: “PEOPLE”, “ENVIRONMENT”, “ECONOMY” and “CULTURE”.
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