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Solution Provider

Public Sector

Danish Business Authority

Danish Business Authority


Organisation type: Public Sector


District energy

District heating

Resource efficient production

Smart energy systems

Smart grid


The best conditions for growth
The Danish Business Authority endeavours to create the best conditions for growth in Europe, and to make it easy and attractive to run a business in Denmark. The vision is to create the best conditions for growth in Europe. The mission is, in partnership with others, to make it easy and attractive to run a business in Denmark.

Easy and atrractive
Easy, meaning that rules and regulations are understandable, easy to administer for the businesses, and that all communication with our customers is done digitally and in an effective manner. Attractive, meaning that we understand the needs of businesses and adjust the business conditions to these needs as they arise.

Responsible and sustainable economic development
The main task of the Danish Business Authority in the coming years is to contribute to a responsible and sustainable economic development. Low growth in productivity has weakened the competitiveness of Denmark. Therefore we need to strengthen the general conditions for growth. We also need to strengthen the conditions for growth in those areas where Denmark has particular strengths and potentials, such as environment and welfare.

Fund for Green Business Development
Denmark has the ambitous goals of being fossil fuel independent by 2050. To reach this aim we need to use ressources efficiently and intelligent. To help this transition, the Fund for Green Business Development invests in the development of new green business models, innovative green products and services, as well as green industrial symbioses.

Read more about the Fund.

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