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Offshore wind

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Wind farm planning and development


White Paper on Wind Power Kick-Starts EWEA Offshore 2015

Integrating 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50% wind energy in the electricity system, agreeing on the political framework for large investments and getting the citizens on board for new projects is no easy task. Yet it is possible, and Danish developments in wind power stand testament to this.

- Event: EWEA Offshore 2015

Since the end of the 1970s, Denmark has been building a high-tech wind energy industry and has developed into a global hub for wind spanning the entire value chain. In 2004, wind turbines provided 18.8% of Denmark’s electricity consumption. 10 years later the figure had increased to 39.1%, which is a world record. In January 2014 alone, Denmark’s wind turbines reached 61.7%. This is according to figures from, the Danish transmission system operator responsible for the security of supply of electricity and gas:

- Related news: "42%: Danish Wind Power Sets World Record Again"

“It can’t be done. It’s not possible to integrate more than a few percent wind energy in the electricity system. These are the words we sometimes hear when foreign visitors visit However, when we open the door to our control room and show them that we on any given day have 20, 30, 40% wind energy or more in our electricity system, we are not presenting them with a theoretical calculation or case story. What they see is a quiet control room without panic and the electricity system that supplies Danish households and businesses with electricity – which has one of the highest levels of security of supply in Europe,” said Peder Østermark Andreasen, CEO,

The 13 offshore wind farms in Denmark are crucial to reach the Danish goal of a fossil-free future by 2050. Today, onshore wind power has become the cheapest energy source for new electricity generation in Denmark, undercutting coal and natural gas, according to a cost analysis performed by the Danish Energy Agency. In terms of offshore, with a price of 10.31 Eurocent per. kWh., the new offshore wind farm, Horns Rev 3, will provide power much cheaper than other recently established offshore wind farms in Denmark and abroad.

- Related news: Wind is the cheapest energy source in Denmark

“Denmark is in the middle of a green transition and wind energy plays a big part in creating an energy system based on renewable energy sources. (…) It was the question of energy security that sparked the Danish transition. The recent development in our part of the world shows that the question of energy security of supply is more relevant than ever. Wind energy is a great way to meet this challenge,” said Danish Minister for Climate, Energy and Building Rasmus Helveg Petersen in the foreword of the white paper.

White Paper: Wind Energy Moving Ahead
This white paper on wind  “Wind Energy Moving Ahead – How wind energy has changed thye Danish Energy System"  gathers lessons learned from different Danish players and legislators within the wind energy sector, supported by state-of-the-art case examples showing, for instance, how integrating wind, investing in wind and optimising products to make more wind for less money is being done every day.

The content is meant to serve has a helpful tool for international stakeholders who wish to gain an overview of the Danish approach to utilise wind, who want to spot the potentials of wind power, or are looking for Danish business partners. The white paper has been developed by State of Green and the Danish Wind Industry Association.

The white paper includes:

  • Wind is a major part of the solution
    - foreword by Rasmus Helveg Petersen, Danish Minister of Climate, Energy and Building
  • There is no status quo in the wind industry: Cost reductions and alliances are keywords in the Danish wind industry
    – by Jan Hylleberg, CEO, Danish Wind Industry Association
  • Acting the way the industry needs: When dialogue, transparency and flexibility become more than just words
    – by Peter Sehestedt, Special Advisor, Danish Energy Agency
  • Denmark to meet 50% wind energy target in 2020: A cross-border electricity market and good connections to neighbouring markets ensure first-class security of supply
    – by Peder Østermark Andreasen, CEO,
  • Electrification equals value from wind energy: Why electrification is necessary for the Danish energy system
    – by Lars Aagaard, CEO, Danish Energy Association
  • Bringing the neighbours on board: A specialised wind turbine task force is assisting the planning process of onshore wind projects
    – by Niels Bjørkbom, Head of the Wind Turbine Task Force, Danish Ministry of the Environment
  • The world’s most depicted offshore windfarm is 50% locally owned
    – by Erik Christiansen, Chairman of Middelgrunden Wind Turbine Cooperative
  • Østerild test centre ensures Siemens Wind Power a competitive offshore advantage
    – by Michael Hannibal, CEO Offshore, Siemens Wind Power
  • Advanced nacelle testing an integral part of Vestas product development
    – by Anders Vedel, Executive Vice President & CTO, Vestas Wind Systems
  • Making offshore wind more attractive and accessible to investors
    – by Christina Grumstrup Sørensen, Senior Partner, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners / Stephanie Bendorff Røpcke, Manager, Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners
  • Sustainable wind export business
    – by, Morten Bæk, Director General, Danish Energy Agency
  • Case: A powerplant at sea 
  • Case: Repowering for a windy future

- DOWNLOAD: White Paper

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