Flood prevention
Wastewater management
The Answer to Flooding: Skate Parks
An industrial area in the southern part of Roskilde has up until now housed a huge area with concrete factories and storage facilities. The concrete company (UNICON) has now moved out, and the area is now undertaking a large scale city development during the next 25-30 years. The area is now called MUSICON and will contain housing, office spaces, educational facilities, an indoor skatepark, studios for artists, a Rock museum etc.
Adding to these functions, the area will also contain a facility that is collecting the huge amount of rainwater from the adjacent city areas.
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Combining recreation and drainage
Rabalderparken is combining drainage functions with a recreational park area. The park contains a water canal that stretches through a series of hills towards a lake area that is subject to contain the rainwater. The theme of the park is a celebration of human motion. It contains fitness equipment, bike and jogging paths, parkour equipment, trampolines, hang-out/grill areas, a dancing area, a stage, a continuous water stream and a huge concrete skate park.
The skate park is fully integrated into the ditch/water canal and the lake areas which means the skate park initially is the water canal and the skate bowl is a lake that can hold the rainwater in a flooding situation.
Rabalderparken is nominated for the "sustainable concrete 2013 award”, presented by the Danish Concrete Association – part of The Danish Construction Association.
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