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Physical event

District energy

Combined heat and power production

District heating

International district heating delegation and conference

District heating pipes

Event details

22 - 25 October


Join the international district heating delegation to Copenhagen in October

District heating will play a crucial role in the energy system of the future, but how can the right frameworks, collaboration models, and implementations be developed? How can we ensure a cost-efficient, sustainable, and secure heating supply? What lessons can we learn from one another, and how can we kick-start projects together?

These and many other questions, alongside site visits and insights into Denmark’s journey toward a renewable heating sector, will be explored by international experts, municipalities, political stakeholders, and project owners during the three-day event. If you are a decision-maker in a heating utility, this is an event you won’t want to miss.

Disclaimer: The event is reserved for delegates from utilities, energy agencies, and governmental organisations. Attendance by other parties is subject to prior authorisation by the organisers, Ministry of Foreign Affairs to Denmark, Danish District Heating Association and the Danish Board of District Heating. 

Click here for information on the event and registration.

All you need to know

When? 22 – 25 October

Where? Copenhagen area

What to expect? Site visits to district heating companies and projects around Copenhagen, an international conference focusing on district heating’s central role in the energy system of the future, and networking with stakeholders from across the district heating industry.

What is included? Transport to and from site visits, entry to the 2-day conference, and catering for all days

The price? 500 EUR

More information and registration

Maria Lind Arlaud
Project Manager (District Energy & Green Transition of Industries)

[email protected]

+45 4047 8004

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