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Solution Provider
Organisation type: Organisation
Climate change adaptation
Smart energy systems
Waste management
Our purpose is to provide analysis and information on the best and most low-cost transition towards a climate-neutral society in Denmark and in other parts of the world. CONCITO takes the approach that the climate policy objectives can only be achieved through a new partnership between politicians, businesses and citizens - the government, the markets and the civil society. Therefore, all sectors are represented in the think tank.
With nearly 100 companies, researchers, organisations and individuals as members of the Council – each possessing extensive knowledge of climate change and leading in their field, CONCITO is Denmark’s largest green network. CONCITO is also involved in a number of international networks with other think tanks world wide who share a similar purpose and profile as CONCITO, e.g. the World Resources Institute in the U.S., ZERO in Norway and the European Climate Foundation in the Hague.
The think tank works to make climate problems and their solutions known to the wider public through proactive PR and communication.
CONCITO means "I put in motion" in Latin and that is exactly what Denmark's first green think tank wants to do on climate change, independently of political and commercial interests.
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