Wind farm planning and development
Wind turbine manufacturing and components
DTU Wind Energy to regulate lights at Østerild
After a nearly yearlong wait DTU Wind Energy has gotten a dispensation for turning of the white, flashing lights on the wind turbines at Østerild, National Test Centre for Large Wind Turbines. The dispensation is valid from February 1st 2017 until January 31st 2022.
As a result of the dispensation the white lights will be radar controlled in the future. This means that the lights will be turned off after nightfall unless there are planes present within a 5.500 meter radius from the test centre. Instead red low intensity lights will be installed on the masts in three levels, corresponding to the levels of the current white lights.
Peter Hjuler, Deputy Head of DTU Wind Energy, is pleased about the dispensation:
"We know that the white lights have been an inconvenience to the residents around Østerild and we are taking it very seriously. Consequently, we are glad that we have gotten this dispensation in order to reduce the inconvenience of the lights. We are looking forward to starting a five year trial period to document the efficiency of the radar system" he says.
Peter Hjuler explains, that DTU will start the installations of the red low intensity lights immediately, in order to soon be able to turn off the flashing white lights during night time.
Read more here (in Danish).