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Solution Provider
Organisation type: Company
Combined heat and power production
District cooling
District energy
District heating
Heat storage
Aalborg CSP A/S is a leading developer and supplier of innovative, renewable technologies with the vision Changing Energy aiming at changing the way energy is produced and stored today. We design and supply green solutions and integrated energy systems based on solar power, energy storage within power-to-X (PTXHEAT and PTXSALT), heat exchange and much more for industries and power plants worldwide.
Aalborg CSP offers a wide variety of renewable energy solutions including high- and low temperature energy storage, solar panels, heat pumps, boilers, integrated energy systems as well as customized Power-to-X solutions.
Aalborg CSP A/S has realized cost-effective green energy solutions worldwide.
Visit: www.aalborgcsp.com LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.
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