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New resilient climate plan for the Port of San Diego

16. November 2015

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Ramboll is a leading international architecture, engineering, and consultancy company, owned by the Ramboll Foundation.

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For several years, Ramboll Environ has been working strategically with the Port of San Diego to create and implement a Climate Action Plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions on tidelands by 10% by 2020 and 25% by 2035.

The plan will be used to provide a long-term and strategic vision for sustainability in port operations and includes support measures that will result in job creation, transportation system benefits and public health improvements.

Environment experts identified, evaluated and quantified applicable greenhouse gas mitigation measures including the evaluation of timeframe, reduction potential, cost, technical feasibility, and co-benefits.

Targeting emissions across six areas
Ramboll Environ guided the Port in selecting emissions reduction targets, and quantified mitigation measures to help the Port reach these targets. The plan focuses on six categories: transportation and land use, energy conversation and efficiency, alternative energy generation, water conservation and recycling, and waste reduction and recycling.

A draft implementation and monitoring plan were also developed for tracking progress of greenhouse gas mitigation and adaptation.

The port was acknowledged for its climate change planning in an EPA Climate Leadership Award.