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Offshore wind
Wind farm planning and development
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Vattenfall’s 80 turbines at Denmark’s Horns Rev 1 offshore wind farm can be serviced in even the heaviest seas. Helihoist platforms made of GRP composite supplied by Fiberline enable the turbines to be accessed in almost all weathers.
The Vattenfall control centre in Esbjerg looks after almost 1000 wind turbines. These include the 80 turbines of the Horns Rev 1 offshore wind farm which is some 15 km west of Denmark. Manned 24/7, the control centre continuously monitors all turbine operating data and can start and stop the turbines at the push of a button.
The Esbjerg control centre also despatches service engineers to carry out turbine repairs and maintenance.
“We regularly airlift out personnel by helicopter and lower them onto the helihoist platforms. In waves more than five or six feet high, access by sea is no longer an option and the only way in is by helicopter. We have an agreement with a local company which always has a helicopter on standby,” says Vattenfall’s Carsten Hyldgaard Nielsen.
Safer than crossing the road
When the wind farm was established in 2002 it was decided to equip all the turbines with Fiberline helihoists. Corrosion resistance, combined with low weight and high strength, meant that the GRP composite was chosen ahead of aluminium and other materials. Vattenfall has never had cause to regret this decision.
Time saving
More than 15,000 trips Helicopters have flown out to the Horns Rev 1 wind farm more than 15,000 times. With a flight time of just 45 minutes, airlifting offers considerable time savings on travel by sea. Fiberline’s 4 x 4m helihoists have a maximum load specification of 300 kgs, which is ample for two service engineers.
Horns Rev 1
The offshore wind farm comprises 80 turbines with a total capacity of 160 MW. Built in 2002 by Elsam Kraft, the wind farm is today owned by Vattenfall (60%) and Ørsted (40%).
Horns Rev 1 can produce enough electricity for the needs of 150,000 households, or the equivalent of almost 2% of total Danish electricity consumption. Total construction cost was approx. 2 bn DKK.
All photos are the property of UNIFLY