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R&d Project

Air pollution


Energy efficiency in buildings


The self-sufficient “Home for life” in Aarhus

11. August 2009

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Imagine, that you live in a house which produces the energy that you need for electricity and heating by itself. And which can actually produce so much energy, that you can give the surplus to your neighbour or use it to charge your electric car.

Imagine, that the house regulates how much light and heat enters through the windows by itself and that the façade of the house changes according to the season and needs.

And also image that the house ventilates by itself and always ensures that there is a good indoor climate.

This might sound like something from a science fiction movie, but is actually so real, that it is a possible scenario in the very near future. Home for life - Aarhus was completed in March 2009. After completion, the house was tested by having a family live, consume, produce and not least experience life in the house.

As players in the construction industry, we consider it our responsibility to contribute to the development of new products and ways of building. We believe that the way forward is more than a one-sided focus on the insulation capacity and reduction of the energy consumption used for heating. We want to show the way forward and find the possibilities inherent in developing energy efficient buildings of the future in an holistic way. We have therefore decided to test new innovations practically by building real houses.