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Water management

ecoBETA challenges the dual-flush set-up to save water

26. April 2016

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Convert single flush to dual-flush by means of a simple insert
By means of a simple retrofit, it is possible to convert your single flush toilet to a dual-flush and customize the volume of the low flush to the sewer capacity. In addi­tion to sav­ing water and money, you reduce your environmental im­pact by keep­ing your existing toilet (thereby eliminating waste).

Dual-flush with 2 buttons does not always save water
All over the world, water is becoming increasingly scarce. Why flush so much clean drinking water down the drain?

Dual-flush toilets with 2 buttons have become almost universally adopted over the last decades as the best way to save water. However, the complex mechanism has the potential to malfunction due to break­age, scale deposits or the buttons jamming, and the result is often ex­cess water usage due to leaks. Also, having 2 buttons is surprisingly not ideal as this increases the risk of human error – when users accidentally activate the large flush when only the small flush is required.

ecoBETA challenges the modern concept of the dual-flush set-up as the best way to save water
With only 1 button or lever, the ecoBETA dual-flush solution changes people’s be­haviour as it requires the user to make an extra effort to use water by hold­ing the lever or button for a few seconds for the large flush. Therefore, water wastage is less likely. ecoBETA’s simple and sturdy con­struc­tion also en­sures opera­tional reliability thereby minimizing the risk of mal­function and leakage.

ecoBETA provides valves and retrofits for use in both single flush and stand­ard dual flush toilets.

By replacing the highly sophisticated dual-flush toilets with 2 buttons with the simple ecoBETA solution, significant water savings can be achieved. Office buildings can save up to 30% water, as toilet flushing represents the bulk of their water consumption.

ecoBETA has sold close to 1 million toilet inserts, and inserts are available in almost 20 versions adapted to different toilet mod­els. Cus­tomers include UK water companies in specific water-stressed regions.

Evidence based research funded by Defra, the Environment Agency and OFWAT in the UK supports that by retrofitting the ecoBETA solution, an av­er­age household can expect to save up to 50% of toilet flush water or up to 47 liters per day without any discomfort whatsoever for the user.

Why target toilets to reduce water usage?
Shortage of water is one of our greatest global challenges. For this reason, governments all over the world are developing strategies and regulations for sustainable water use. To avoid waste it is necessary that we change our behaviour and introduce water-saving technology.

At individual level, the benefits of water use efficiency in households, municipal and industrial settings may appear small, incremental, or difficult to see; but the cumulative effect is significant and the benefits are widespread.

One of the main reasons for targeting toilets to reduce demand management is that they will always be used daily. The yield when selecting the ecoBETA solution is extremely accurate as it changes our behaviour. It is cost-effective. There is no loss of comfort. And it reduces annual average demand and not peak demand. Also, the amount of water saved is associated with reductions in the need for pumping, transport and purification of wastewater, energy consumption and CO2emissions.