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Smart energy systems

Streetlight dimming in Ayedas, Istanbul

27. February 2009

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The Ayedaş Energy Distribution Company has a strong focus on energy optimisation. They addressed three main issues for their streetlight:

  • Lowering energy consumption
  • Achieving centralised, pro-active control
  • Enabling remote reading of energy data in control cabinets

The combination of increased quality of streetlight, extensive CO2 reductions and a fast repayment period made the choice of an GridLight solution an open-and-shut case for AEDC.


AEDC achieved energy savings of 25%, even without taking these factors into account:

  • Optimizing burn hours by adjusting on/off times
  • Increasing dimming in e.g. industrial areas
  • Lowering maintenance costs

Implementing the solution

Prior to installation, an Amplex technician held a one-day training course for AEDC’s electricians, after which they were ready to implement the solution themselves.

The installation time for each substation was two hours, including dimming equipment, and with each substation controlling appr. 150 poles, the average installation time for each pole was less than one minute.

Decreasing the voltage level at night resulted in less energy consumption at off-peak traffic hours.

A digital power meter was installed to register and verify the energy consumption for each substation.

The client decided to begin the first dimming level from 11 p.m. to midnight, where voltage was decreased from 220V to 205V. The second dimming level, starting at midnight and ending with the lights being turned fully on at 6 a.m. lowered the voltage to 195V.

Further advantages

The AEDC not only wanted to achieve energy savings and system optimisation, they also requested a solution that was easy to operate without requiring much training. GridLight’s easy-to-use web interface works like a basic website.

The AEDC liked that the interface could generate comprehensive reports on energy savings, alarms, burn hours, etc. and display the location of alarms instantly. Receiving an email or SMS has since been an integral part of AEDCs operating routine.