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Macroalgae: A New Source of Bio-Based Products

7. June 2012

Solution provider

Aarhus University

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The world’s area of arable land is limited, and at the same time the need for biological products for food, feed and energy is increasing. This calls for alternative solutions – for instance growth of marine bio-based products.
Macroalgae represent a huge unexploited biological resource. They have many advantages making them a potential solution:

  • Macroalgae grow fast
  • They can grow in all climatic zones
  • They contain a high content of valuable carbohydrates, proteins and lipids
  • They take up CO2 and nutrients that are in excess in our coastal waters

Researchers at Aarhus University are on the forefront of optimizing macroalgae production and exploring new technologies for conversion of algae biomass into an energy source, simultaneously exploiting excess biomass, for instance as fish feed. Large scale macroalgae production can thus help alleviating the resource, energy and food challenges of the future, while at the same time improving the environment.