Wind energy
Wind turbine manufacturing and components
Skyrocketing energy prices boost the interest in small wind turbines
On Wednesday 24 August 2022, the electricity prices set a new unfortunate record with DKK 9.37 per kilowatt-hour (incl. VAT and charges). The high price is due to many unfortunate factors. The current gas conflict with Russia, because of the war in Ukraine, has had an impact on the gas price, which has therefore skyrocketed. With gas as a suddenly scarce resource, prices are pushed up, and this affects the many power plants that use natural gas to produce electricity for their customers. And unfortunately, there is nothing in the sun, moon, and stars to show that this unfortunate trend is about to reverse. On the contrary!
Electricity is an indispensable resource in our daily lives, and with the record-breaking increase in one kilowatt-hour, more and more Danes are now looking for alternatives, such as wind energy and solar energy. This is done to become self-sufficient in electricity, thus minimizing the uncertainty of dependence on more traditional energy sources.
There is more than one way to skin a cat
Energy has become a scarce and expensive resource and is generating increasing interest in small wind turbines at Viking Wind. In the last six months, there has been an increase in inquiries on an otherwise stagnant Danish market. So much so that there has been a need to hire a sales consultant solely to handle the many inquiries from desperate Danes who want to lower their daunting energy prices.
Klaus Holt, sales consultant on the Danish market at Viking Wind daily gets inquiries from possible customers with high electricity consumption. Some of these inquiries are now so far in the process that Viking Wind expects to set up the first wind turbines before the end of the year. And there’s a lot of money to be saved if you have a high energy consumption. The higher the energy consumption the faster the turbine pays for itself.
More pros to gain than just a low energy price
There’s more to gain than just a lower energy price when changing to wind energy and being self-sufficient with energy, than being free of the unfavourable economic trends that prevail right now.
The energy produced by a small wind turbine is a 100 % non-polluting energy source that nature gives you for free when the wind blows -which is often the case in Denmark.
A change to green energy sources such as wind power will also speed up the process of the ‘Green Transition’ where Denmark wants to cross the finish line with a reduction in co2 emission by 70% in 2030.
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